martes, 27 de noviembre de 2012

All you need is CHOCOLAT

Hey all of you :)

Today I want to show you what I do at the kitchen, in fact, the only thing Im capable of doing is BAKING so here you have some photos of what I did today.

I used to write in a blog my baking creations but as I dont do it a lot I choose not to continue, but I still doing it time to time.

martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012

Pleasures: Frech tentation


All types

When I lived in France this were my biggest eat pleasure! Now that Im back in my country is more difficult to find it but not impossible, in fact, I know there is a bakery that sells it but I havent already go. But when Ill go I'll tell if they are as good as in France. (hope they are) :)

Cuando yo vivía en Francia, los macarrones eran LO MEJOR que me podía suceder : ) Ahora lejos de esas delicias solo me quedan mis fotos y los recuerdos. Ahora bien, hay un lugar en Quito, una pequeña patisserie en donde puedo conseguir mis ansiados macarrones. Apenas vaya les compartiré un pequeño reportaje para ver cómo me fue)
Algún día yo también voy a abrir una pastelería y con suerte lograré hacer mis propios macarrones.... hasta eso, a practicar en la cocina de la casa jaja

Quand j'ai vecu en France, les macarons étaient le plus grand plaisir gourmand du monde. Je pouvais les manger tous les jours, sans remords : ) Maintenant, loin de macarons, il ne me reste que des photos pour m'en souvenir... (secret: á Quito il y a une petite patisserie oú on peut trouver ces delices, bientot mon reportage parce que je ne suis pas encore allée) 

Un jour j'aurais une patisserie a moi..un jour.. mais pendant ce temps je serais dans ma cuisine, en essayant de reussir ces célébres macaron. Il faut mieux essayer :)




Off course the most famous ones: from La Durée

Creation 1

Well, Im not so good to give names to art pieces. This is a recent photographie work I made just for the pleasure of doing but I really cant give it a name... is like is just "creation 1, creation 2.." and it goes on like that (it socks I know)  is like not been able to give a name to your dog.

What do you think about it?

lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2012

What about the black summer and the single light shinning.

So this is a really simple look, compose by: Bershka pants, Zara chemise and New Look shoes.
I use to wear this outfit in two different ways, I would love to know which one do you think it goes better.

lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2012

miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2012

En el mar

Everything is perfect when we are at the sea.
Tout est parfait à la mer
Todo es perfecto cerca al mar

Long skirt: ZARA / body: MNG / scarf: Vintage / watch: WEGNER

miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2012


21 years old!!

I spent my birthday in Venice, so I cant ask for more ^^
Today we went to my favorite place for art that is the Collection of Peggy Guggenhein, a very rich lady that bought a lot of paints to amazing artist as Picasso, Magritte, Pollock, etc... 

Then; we went to eat italian food: Gnocchis 
And for finish this amazing day, my mother invite us to an unforgettable tour in a venecian gondola.
Of course our gondolier complete the dream: Sebastiano ^^  

En resumé this was the best birthday ever, even if I would it love to have my boyfriend and my friends with me; but its like that dont u think? we cant have it all 

Thank you Venice
Thank you so much mom, grandmom and brother

What I was wearing:

NAF NAF blue lace top
NINE WEST wedges
GUESS sunglasses
Venician hut

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